Upcoming Events

UCP Leadership Meet & Greet, Lacombe
The Western Unity Group is pleased to host UCP leadership candidates at the Lacombe Memorial Centre on September 19th.
This event will give attendees the chance to hear the leadership candidates each give a speech, followed by a period where they will mingle with the crowd.
As of now Brian Jean, Travis Toews, Todd Loewen, and Rebecca Schulz are all confirmed to attend.
There will be finger foods and a cash bar.
If you would like to purchase tickets, they can be found here for $25.
If you own a business and would be interested in sponsoring this event, please contact us at westernunitygroup@gmail.com.

Meeting with Rebecca Schulz & Dawn Sharpe, Calgary
This event is our first in Calgary, and will feature Rebecca Shulz and Don Sharpe.
Rebecca Schulz is a UCP MLA and leadership candidate, running to be our next Premier.
Don Sharpe is a recently retired EMT with decades of experience, who will speak on Alberta’s ongoing EMS crisis.
The event will also feature Samantha Richard, who will speak on the Hub 29 project.
The event is in a Q&A/Townhall format, where each speaker will give a speech followed by a question period from the attendees.